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For Reviewers

For Reviewers

We encourage both researchers interested in publishing in Dzieje Najnowsze, and reviewers to read the rules and guidelines, and to download the necessary files.

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Author Self-Archiving

Author Self-Archiving

Authors are permitted to post the publisher’s version of their work online (e.g. in institutional repositories or on their website) after its initial publication in the Journal.

Editors allow authors to publish preprint versions.

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Quotation rules

Quotation rules

Short quotations should be enclosed in double quotation marks and run on with the main text. Long quotations should be broken off by an increased space from the preceding and following lines of typescript. They should not be enclosed within quotation marks. For a quotation within a quotation, double angle quotation marks (guillemets) should be used.

Footnote numbers should be placed in the upper fraction, without parentheses or full stops, on a line with paragraph indentation. A note reference number should precede any punctuation, except the full stop ending an abbreviation.

In the main texts we adopt generally accepted abbreviations (e.g. etc., i.a., MS, vol., no., etc.). The names of months are given in roman numerals when they occur together with the day and year (without separating dots), otherwise in their verbal form (16 V 1935; 16 May; in May 1935).

In footnotes we use the abbreviations as described above, other abbreviations, accepted in historical specialist studies, are also acceptable, but with an explanation of the meaning on the first occurrence. Titles of journals and publishing series should be written in inverted commas; the title of a publication included in a collective work should be followed by ‘in:” (preceded by a comma, without square brackets). Volumes and yearbooks of periodicals and other publications are written in roman numerals; issues, numbers and parts – in arabic numerals.

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